Whiteknights in Swaledale…

This week Whiteknights have been out meeting with the public.

We had guest speakers at Saltaire Methodist Wives’ group and even venturing out into Swaledale in the Yorkshire Dales.

Pictured alongside Matthew from Whiteknights, are the members of Gunnerside Ladies Group, who intend to support our charity in the future. Thank you for the generous hospitality and a warm welcome we receive wherever we go.

Rotary Club of Leeds support Whiteknights…

Whiteknights Yorkshire Blood Bikes would like to thank the Rotary Club of Leeds for their recent donation and support.

Pictured alongside Whiteknights’ Media & Communications Manager, Matthew, is the current President of the Rotary Club of Leeds, David Waddington.

AA recovery rescues…

Our sincere thanks to the AA’s Blood Bike Recovery Service for coming to our assistance this morning.

Here, Blood Bike Victoria with a punctured tyre, is being relayed on a trailer which fits inside the Patrol van when dismantled. We very much appreciate the support we receive from outside organisations.

Yorkshire’s only female Blood Biker completes national relay…

A female volunteer motorcyclist has today participated in a potentially life-saving national transplant treatment relay.

Ann Pullin, a supply teacher from the Worksop area is currently the only registered Advanced-Qualified female Blood Biker in the region.

She rode across Yorkshire to convey a Faecal Mircobiota Transplant treatment which originated at the Microbiome Treatment centre at the University of Birmingham. 

Ann then handed the precious consignment over for its final leg of the journey north, to Neil Courtney Russell from neighbouring Cleveland Blood Bike group, Blood Run EVS.

Halifax – based Whiteknights Yorkshire Blood Bikes have 50 volunteer riders in North, South and West Yorkshire who transport urgent Blood Samples and medical supplies free-of-charge to the NHS overnight and at weekends.

Pictured are Whiteknight, Ann Pullin and Neil Courtney Russell from Blood Run EVS.

For further information contact Whiteknights through their website, www.whiteknights.org.uk or through their Facebook page at Facebook.com/yorkshirebloodbikes.

Whiteknights reward Traffic Officers…

Volunteer Blood Bikers from Yorkshire have presented Traffic Officers at The Yorkshire and North East Regional Operations Centre with an award.

During a recent visit to ROC Wakefield, Managers from the Yorkshire Blood Bike charity presented Jason Hall and Darren Smith with their highest accolade to recognise their colleagues’ contribution to road safety.

Whiteknights Yorkshire Blood Bikes transport urgent Blood Samples, medications and medical supplies overnight and at weekends. The volunteer-run, Out-of-hours service is free of charge to hospitals and hospices in the region.

Whiteknights Regional Manager, Andy Richardson joined Whiteknights’ Dispatch Manager, Steve Annakin, to present the Whiteknights Champions award.

Andy said: “We have a fleet of nine motorcycles and we cover in excess of 60,000 miles a year. Like your Traffic Officers, we can cover many hundreds of miles each shift we’re on duty and so we value the contribution towards road safety of all the Staff at ROC Wakefield.

“We’re on duty from 7pm to 7am and often the majority of riding we do is on the motorway network as we make urgent deliveries between the major hospitals across Yorkshire.”

“We have very much enjoyed visiting National Highways Wakefield and hope that we have further raised awareness about who we are and what we do as we ride through the night.”

Service Update: Friday 10th March 2023

Whiteknights are returning to service this evening from 7pm and on-call 24 hours over the weekend. Should you like to speak to Whiteknights to confirm service in your area please call: 0800 1017800

Temporary Service Closure Due To Snow Conditions…


Whiteknights Yorkshire Blood Bikes are announcing a temporary closure of their overnight service from 7pm on Thursday 9th March due to the Snow fall in our region.

This will be reviewed every 24 hours and we shall reopen for urgent deliveries as soon as it is safe to deploy our volunteers.

For urgent enquiries please call: 07970 224420

Classic Cars Collect for Whiteknights…

Whiteknights Yorkshire Blood Bikes would like to thank the members of The Morris Minor Owners Club, West Yorkshire Branch for fundraising for our charity since lockdown.

This week they have presented Whiteknights with a donation of £400.

Well done to everyone in the West Yorkshire branch. Thanks for supporting our voluntary service – every penny is appreciated.

New riders needed for new Blood Bike..

The Emergency Voluntary Blood Bike Charity, Whiteknights Yorkshire Blood Bikes, are appealing for new riders to ride their newly donated Blood Bike.

The new BMW R1250RT Blood Bike is on duty this weekend and was welcomed into service by representatives of the motorcycle’s donors and staff from the Transfusion Team at York Hospital.

Members of the Pocklington based, Widows Sons Masonic Biker Group have been instrumental in raising nearly twenty-thousand pounds to provide the voluntary Blood Bike service with a new bike for North Yorkshire.

Andy Hunn, of the Widow Sons Group presented Whiteknights’ North Yorkshire Manager, Andy Richardson with the keys for the new motorcycle at York Hospital.

Mr Hunn said: “We’re very proud to have purchased a new Blood Bike which will operate in the areas covered by York and Scarborough NHS Foundation Trust. Whiteknights Volunteer Blood Bikers provide a marvelous service totally free of charge to hospitals and hospices in our region.

“They have been so busy during the Pandemic, having ridden thousands of miles, that the Blood Bike for our area needed replacing. We raised £1000 in our local group then achieved further funding through other Masonic charitable foundations including the Freemasons Charity Foundation of Yorkshire North and East Riding.”

Whiteknights Yorkshire Blood Bikes North Yorkshire Manager, Andy Richardson added: “We’re delighted to have a new bike available overnight and twenty-four hours at weekends to transport urgent blood samples and medication in the York area. We are now looking to recruit more motorcyclists to volunteer their riding skills to benefit the NHS.

Senior Pharmacy Technician at York Hospital, Cat Reed added:

“We only call Whiteknights when the medications and Controlled Drugs require urgent delivery. We know they’re all volunteers and so we treat the Blood Bike service with the respect and value it deserves – you do a brilliant job!”

The Charity states that for every, free-to-the -NHS journey made out-of-hours by Whiteknights’ volunteers, the charity saves the NHS from expensive alternate transportation costs. 

Pictured releasing the Blood Bike into service is Andy Hunn, Whiteknight Andy Richardson, and Biomedical Scientists, Victoria Graham and Tyla Kirk.

For further information contact Whiteknights through their website, www.whiteknights.org.uk or through their Facebook page at Facebook.com/yorkshirebloodbikes.