High Sheriff becomes Blood Biker for a day…

Time to reveal our very special guest for Blood Bike Day 2024 on the Yorkshire Blood Bikes Facebook Page.

Introducing the King’s Representative in West Yorkshire, High Sheriff of West Yorkshire, Professor Adeeba Malik CBE DL.

Professor Malik, West Yorkshire’s first Asian female High Sheriff, wanted to experience and to see for herself how Whiteknights Yorkshire Blood Bikes Volunteers, “GO BEYOND” to regularly exceed expectations with our remarkable volunteering to support hospitals and hospices.

Join Professor Malik as she takes to West Yorkshire Roads as a Pillion Passenger riding alongside an on-call Yorkshire Blood Bike.

Join us again later to see her progress.

Ready to deploy as an honourary Blood Biker: Piloted by Steve Harker, Professor Adeeba Malik and On-call Advanced-Qualified Volunteer Rider, Stu Stirrat

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